
ezetop and our friends in Cuba!



} The best “Thank You” that ezetop can ever get is from all of our fantastic members! Knowing that we help you stay close to all of your friends and family is the only thing we need to be happy...but that’s not to say we don’t enjoy reading some nice things said about us!

Our CEO, Mark Roden, has recently been talking in the Wall Street Journal about the important role that ezetop has in helping the people of Cuba stay in touch with their loved ones. The fact that we have been able to be a part of so many people's daily lives is something that us very special to us.

"We're interested in remittances from the developed world to emerging markets and cellphones are a big part of that," says Mr. Roden.

Although this article just mentions Cuba , ezetop is so happy to have an equally important role in so many other different countries and peoples lives. It really does mean a lot and we are always here to help you send recharge instantly, safely and easily. Take Care!