
Landline Phone Bill Payment ETECSA Cuba

Landline Phone Bill Payment ETECSA Cuba

Landline Phone Bill Payment ETECSA Cuba

Use ezetop to pay for Cuban landline phone bills! Support your family and friends in Cuba and help them pay their phone bills!

Find out more about the terms of use of this service below:

Who can use this service?

Payment of Cuban landline phone invoices is available from abroad at www.ezetop.com. The service is available to residential and business customers who pay for ETECSA landline service in convertible currency (MLC). It is also available to residential users who pay for the service in national currency (MN) but receive invoices in convertible currency (MLC) for other services (calling ID identification, international calls, etc).

How much money can be transferred?

While payments can be done from 13.50 CUC, many transactions can be done in advance of a payment for a single invoice. If the transaction amount exceeds the total due amount of the invoice, the remaining balance will be held as credit towards the future invoices.

How to contact customer support?

Customers in Cuba can contact ETECSA commercial service at 112 to learn the due amount of their invoice.

Landline Phone Bill Payment ETECSA Cuba



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